Saturday 28 April 2012

£eith Decides

In December 2010 the School Association participated in an innovative new funding project called £eith Decides. Neighbourhood Partnerships were piloting the idea of letting local people decide on how community funding should be allocated by inviting groups to pitch their ideas at an open meeting followed by a vote.
We submitted two bids, one of which was for the Eco-Garden. I'd like to think it was the powerful speech or the worthy cause which grabbed the audience but I suspect it was the sight of a dozen adorable Hermitage Park children with giant paper daffodils and tulips and a Green Flag which was bigger than all of them put together that really won the day. That and the amazing support from everyone who came to listen and vote for us.
We left Leith Academy that afternoon £2,000 richer and one step closer to a garden and playground. The totaliser was suddenly tipping close to £7,000. Not quite Everest but well beyond the foothills.

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